Data & Privacy

Last updated: May 29th, 2023

1. Introduction

This website doesn't use any cookies and doesn't collect any personal information about its visitors other than strictly necessary for hosting this website. Please see the following paragraphs for details.

2. Data Collection Purposes

Data Storage

Our website is hosted on Netlify, which means that anonymized data about your visit may be saved in Netlify's server log files for a limited amount of time. For details please refer to Netlify's data protection policy


We use Plausible Analytics to measure how many people have visited our website, which pages they viewed, which links they clicked and how long they remained on the website, etc. Plausible Analytics does not use cookies, is made and hosted in the EU and is fully compliant with GDPR, CCPA and PECR. No personalized data is stored and therefore we cannot identify our visitors in any way. Read more at

Affiliate Links

We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to We don't place any cookies or scripts on our website for this purpose, but if you decide to click on one of those (or any) links on one of our pages, you may be subject to data collection by a third party. The third party may collect data to show how many people have clicked on the links and whether they purchased any products and services. We may receive a commission from the third party if you click a link to their site and purchase goods and services from them. Once you leave our website, we are not responsible or liable for any further data collection by third parties, so please refer to the the applicable terms, e.g. at for Amazon.

3. Legal Basis

The legal basis for the limited data processing that is being done by the used third party services is Art. 6 (1) f) GDPR. Transfer of personal data (like the anonymized IP address) is necessary to connect to and display the content of the website.

4. Data Retention

As we never directly collect any data about you, we also cannot retain or delete anything. The data collected by our hosting provider will be automatically deleted after 30 days, there is nothing that you need to do about this.

5. Contact

If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy, your data, or your rights, contact us at: